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May 09, 2005



your linking of absolutes and god are intriguing. what happens to God when humans stop believing in things absolutely (or maybe just realizing that their absolutes are infinitely more complex than they ever realized)? does God disappear? do we then begin to make God into our own image (a hummer driving, warmonger homophobe. . . an urban environmentally conscious, politically liberal champion of social causes) Or, is this God much more unknowable, separate, different than the conjecture of creation. perhaps a relentless lover of the whole mess?)


I hope you get your faith back someday.

I don't know if your post was about religion in general or only Christianity, because the crusades were a long time ago. The 'jihad' is happening today because Islam is the only major religion that has not yet modernized.

Sure, there are radical Christians and all, but homelessness and poverty is not a result of Christianity. It's simply something that has been around since biblical times.

I consider myself Christian, but I don't belong to any particular church or anything like that. Nor do I consider myself to be within any specific domination... like Catholic, Protestant, Witness, Born-again, etc... Although they are all derived from Christianity, I have to say that I agree to an extent about organized religions. I don't care for them myself.

I simply try to do what is right and believe.

(I am also a terrible example of what a Christian should be, unfortunately - but i try)


I like df's last thought: "perhaps a relentless lover of the whole mess?" The need for absolutes - strong in our society today - is frightening. The unknowing and the searching and the wondering is where I find beauty and stimulation in religion.


If there is one good example of "absolutes" in religion, it's Islamic suicide bombers - as well as, of course, the 9/11 hijackers.

To blow yourself up, and/or fly a plane into a building, knowing you're going die, yet positively certain that you will be taken to paradise surrounded by beautiful virgins. To me, that's insane. Yes, and indeed "absolute" ...which is what makes it so scary.



i personally reserve the word insane for situation for which i am constantly thrown off kilter or context. call me what you will, but i feel like i can understand the motives of suicide bombers better than a lot of middle class americans. it's not that hard.

1 God demands your total sacrifice for him.
2 everyone around you agrees and has since birth.
3 current politics are fodder for jihad (it is my calling at this time and place in the 4 world to make a difference by giving my all).
5 giving of my life is the greatest sacrifice.

life is simpler. hard decisions easier to make. the world is smaller.
i'll quote our blog host for a moment to make my point.

"...how easy it is to have everything you think you know changed by the company you keep."

not "insane", just "different. ;)

Dennis Whitcomb

Nice post. I'm not sure what you mean by "absolutes". But it seems to me that there can be organized religion without absolutes, and indeed that some liberal christian churches provide just that. To me it sounds less like you lost your religion, and more like you aquired a sophisticated form of it...I'm more inclined to offer congrats than condolences...


please study maths or physics or chemistry or biology. they are true and honesty lies in observing and imagining the possibilities of what is around us we don't live for ever in body and the rest is a mystery but for sure a priest or rabbi or immam know nothing more than we do. face up to the facts of exstence it's mysteries and realize that supersticion is not the answer to any question.accept that we don't know everything and we probably never will but long robes and a dour expression are not the answer.


What an absolutely incredibly profound article. Thank you for sharing this. I myself am a former Christian minister.
I can entirely and wholeheartedly relate to the paradigm shift you are describing here. A renaissance in understanding.
All the best to you.
-- Cip

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