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April 14, 2005



well, i for one can't be thirty because my parents would have had to given birth to me when they were 16. talk about the trauma of youth. but i probably don't count in your sample. For my gender, my breasts bigger than i ever hoped for.


Just like many others, I have always been self conscious about the size of my chest. I will never be able to measure up to the shirtless strapping young lad modeling Abercrombie and Fitch…uh, shorts?…in the store’s front door at Easton. Seems like they strategically place these guys just to make me think twice about buying their clothes, because it’s clear that I will never fill them out. Coming home I will model my purchases in front of the bathroom mirror, audibly sighing at the sight of my flat chest and how the shirt limply hangs off my shoulders. Oh woe is the life of the skinny young man.


I would definitely agree with the fact that breast implants do not make any sense at all..I would assume it is the same as altering your body to make it look like someone else..The issue is primarily psychological and not as physical as it would appear to be..
Besides, why go to the extent of a surgery for looking/feeling good? A good decent perfume would do more wonders than hours under a knife..If someone is attracted only by a silicon implant, then I would be tempted to say that it was merely fake attraction

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