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April 13, 2005


Jim T.

Dworkin's work was obviously not for anyone with normal, sexual feelings. My first orientation to her work came, not surprisingly in a women's studies course. I believe that the quote was taken from an interview with a Rolling Stone reporter, in which she stated "romance is rape embellished with meaningful looks." Not exactly the kind of person you want offering a toast at your wedding. Didn't she kill Shakespeare just before her celebrity death bout with Dr. Ruth?


I admit, I never knew who this woman was, but all I have to say about feminism as a whole is that I think it has been hijacked by the radical leftwing and it seems to sort of hinge on one last strand... "abortion".

It seems that's all they are 'fighting for' these days is the right to have an abortion. That's the entire feminist movement these days. It's just tragic.


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