I’m sure by now most of you have heard that federal regulators are set to begin discussions later this month on allowing the use of cell phones on commercial airline flights.
If you thought the sitting in the middle seat was tight and uncomfortable before, imagine a valley girl yakking her “likes” and “you knows” on one side and a suit on the other droning on about “benchmarks” and “thinking out of the box.” If over-zealous security and pricey tickets don’t get America back in their cars, surely this will.
So, in preparation for the next TMI nightmare, I am arming you with this handy Shhh workbook (PDF) from the Society for HandHeld Hushing via Miss Karen.
While the FAA is – per usual – lagging behind the times with yet another inane plan to irritate most customers for the convenience of a few (think expedited security lanes for first-class passengers), restaurants in NY and other metropolises are actually engaging in a bit of cell phone forward thinking…
Phone companies have eliminated more than a million traditional pay phones in the past eight years, and select businesses are replacing them with, well, un-phone booths for people to duck into and gab as loudly as they like on their handhelds. Some of the booths even include some retro elegance sure to snag the eye of any discerning metrosexual, like plush blue and brown velvet, dark-stained oak and cushy benches with writing desks. Ah, enjoy your box. Everybody else, enjoy your own conversations.