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    « A quote worthy of its own post | Main | Social Manifesto: What's changing right now »

    November 20, 2008


    Jeff Parks

    Great list!

    I think the largest problems facing those entering this space is that they fail to actively listen to those whom they are interviewing.

    The Podcasts I enjoy sound like a discussion between two people at a conference. No scripts just dialogue between two or more people exchanging; debating; and sharing ideas.

    As you've noted:

    "Listen, then talk. Know your community. Be relevant. Hear other opinions."

    David Eisaiah Engel

    You know, that's really good advice. I wrote a small eBook about how to use Social networks and RSS to recruit candidates for professional services companies. You might want to check it out at http://mentastone.com/work/fbook.asp


    Great pointers!

    Kevin Dugan

    I like this list. I like it even moree because it's offered up as guidelines and not rules. As we're all figuring this stuff out to a certain degree, who's to say there's one correct way of doing something?!

    Listening is my favorite. They teach speech and writing in school. Why not listening?!

    Philipp Sauber

    Thats what I call a short and uncomplicated list of bullets.
    One more point might be: dont get offended to quick and dont take things personal in the first place. Communication through the internet is not always easy, but can be easily misunderstood.

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