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    August 20, 2008



    Wow. Great article. Informative and honest. Definitely printing this out to save. It's funny because some companies say they embrace social media yet try to control it like a facist state newspaper. WTF? That's why I like the approach of someone like a vitamin water who use humor to connect with a variety of audeinces www.redeemteamwork.com I agree with Cullers that those who go way overbaord with their "sacrosanct" brand are missing the boat


    Excellent article. Wish I could have made it to the unveiling. But it sure was fun watching the reaction and response. Transparency and joining in on the conversation. That's what I think is key in social media.

    Speaking of twitter, allow me to plug the Tracking for Columbus page: http://twitter.zappos.com/Columbus. If you want included and you twitter from Columbus, @ or DM me at http://twitter.com/wyliemac. It's a nice way to see what people are saying about Columbus on Twitter. And it's actually how I came to this post.

    Lara Kretler

    Leigh, thanks for being a strong voice in this conversation and for sharing your insightful take on what worked and what didn't. I always learn something when I visit your blog.

    Scott Peacock

    Thanks for the honest evaluation Leigh, I agree with your thoughts whole-heartedly.

    We (The EC PR staff) have an editorial meeting with PR Week later today and plan to discuss what we've learned through this process as we hope to educate and inspire more organizations to take chances while maintaining an open mind and transparency when entering the social realm.

    Scott Peacock

    Media Relations Manager
    Experience Columbus

    David Meerman Scott

    Awesome analysis here. I spent about a half an hour with the reporter at the Other Paper and ended up with two quotes. And I said about ten times during the interview that I hadn't seen the actual efforts. Too bad I hadn't been able to read this first.

    Take care, David


    Very nice write-up as usual.
    Tried to explain to a colleague how THE SOAPBOX technique doesn't work with social after that was his suggestion during a case study. Got shut down. NO ONE CAN EVER SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT THE BRAND. WE ARE NOT HAVING A "CONVERSATION" WITH OUR CONSUMERS. ALL SOCIAL MUST BE MONITORED. IT’S A BUSINESS NOT A FREE-FOR-ALL.
    Couldn't sell my perspective, but now I have a nice case study to point to!

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