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    « Sizing up Ad Guys: Check out the socks | Main | Dogears: Good stuff I pre-read for my favorite readers »

    May 29, 2008


    Steve Worthington

    I work for all of the above in bare feet from home!


    Stilettos and crisp jeans fits my agency exactly! We also have the trendy flats!


    I can't believe that the first time I jumped onto advergirl in a while and the hot topic is shoes. Too funny.


    I'm sitting here at a big client's office, in black flowing pants and black strappy sandals. 'nuff said, I guess. ...although i really wish i could break all those "eclectic prints" out of the closet!


    The hood line made laugh so hard! Actually in the DR, hoods are almostt mandatory for new art directors, it's kind of an uniform. Hoods, flip-flops and a light sweater. That was also my beginning stage, I confess, but now -15 years later-, I'm #1, some days #2. And it is a statement, a real one.

    Andrea Hill

    I love your stuff! The Midwest comment re: the hoodies cracked me up!

    Shana Ray

    Great post. My agency culture and I fit almost perfectly into the 2nd category of casual skirts, eclectic prints and modern flats (though modern “flats” to me are any heel less than 4 inches).

    My boss once told me that I should always try to mirror what the senior executives are wearing because they determine the type of “culture” the agency has. What I like best about my agency is that while it is very relaxed, we are all individuals with many different points of view and I feel that I can be myself.

    I will keep your post in mind during future job interviews, if I see any practical shoes or pencil skirts I will try to run out of there in my modern shoes as fast as I can!

    Though my last job was doing marketing for a bank and as you can guess it was ALL church clothes, practical shoes and black socks.


    Us in house people working for giant corporations are the hoodie and jeans folks too.

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