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    « How to build a professional network | Main | Advertising agency interview tips »

    May 02, 2008



    This post really helps with the nervous part of the interview that normally leads to bombing it. Obviously some of questions need to be tailored to the specific interviewer and your personality. Awesome post!


    ha ha 15 months later and these are nice questions for any jobseeker, not just you cut throat ad people ...


    This is one of the more useful blogs I have read. I am currently a junior in college and this entry has highlighted some of the issues I have been curious about when it comes to an interview situation. The questions suggested by members within the business world are extremely helpful for a college student like me. It definitely helps cuts out a lot of the guess work in knowing whether or not to ask those difficult questions or questions at all. I know with questions like these it will help to calm my nerves and help me to exude more confidence in my interview.

    Thank you for these wonderful tips.


    As usual, great post. Is there a way to take a deeper dive into your team's culture/personalities before actually hired? Can you request a lunch? What's appropriate?

    Keith Gregory

    I am from the ad side of the world- but I would think I would want to ask about recent business they won- this might help with is the agency stable and growing...

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