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    « iCitizen: Call to open your brand | Main | Obsessed with Noah Brier's Brand Tags »

    May 21, 2008


    Tom O'Brien

    Thanks for the wrapup - good stuff. My iCitizen wrapup is here:



    Doc Searls

    Thanks for such a good report, and for paying such close attention. Nice critique as well. As I say here...


    ... we have to make VRM something that makes life easier, not harder. In fact, it must make life so much easier that we have no choice about using it. That's why I said it had to be "an invention that mothers necessity". Tall order. Help is welcome, too.

    Doc Searls

    Thanks for such a good report, and for paying such close attention. Nice critique as well. As I say here...


    ... we have to make VRM something that makes life easier, not harder. In fact, it must make life so much easier that we have no choice about using it. That's why I said it had to be "an invention that mothers necessity". Tall order. Help is welcome, too.

    Nancy Kramer

    Thanks for such a fabulous compilation of the 1.5 days. Reading the post makes me tired all over again. So glad you could join us.

    Nancy Kramer

    Thanks for such a fabulous compilation of the 1.5 days. Reading the post makes me tired all over again. So glad you could join us.

    Patricia Martin

    Whew! What comprehensive coverage! I lapped it up. I am honored that you think Doc has RenGen tendencies!
    Patricia Martin

    Andrea Hill

    I miss airmiles!! (I grew up in the great white north). We have so many fragmented rewards programs here they basically become useless. Airmiles was the definitive program there, and had legitimate value for the consumer.

    Great wrap-up, thanks so much for pulling this all together!

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